WordPress Switzerland

The website of the Swiss WordPress community

Presenting at WordCamp Zurich in 2019

WordPress is the most popular content management system in the world. What makes it great is the community which maintains it.

There has been an active WordPress community in Switzerland for many years, with the first national event taking place in 2014. Since then, activity has increased exponentially, both nationally and in exchange with colleagues from all over the world. This website is both a showcase and resource for the Swiss community.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is an open-source piece of software, which users can download and use to build websites and web apps. The software, its plugins and its themes — with which site owners can use to control the style of their website — have been continually maintained since 2003. Because WordPress is open-source, there is no license fee to pay: the downloadable version of the software is free to use.

WordPress Switzerland in Turin
Some of the members of the Swiss WordPress community

WordCamps and meetups

Regular meetup events and conferences around topics relevant to WordPress take place all over Switzerland. Most events are free of charge and run by localised groups, who meet to talk about everything to do with WordPress. We’re a diverse, friendly and welcoming community, and everyone – with any level of knowledge – is welcome to join us.

Blog posts

This is a collection of recent articles and blog posts we’ve collated from a number of third-party websites, all of which relate to WordPress.

Slack discussion channel

In order to give WordPress developers, designers and content creators a free virtual place to hang out between meetups, we started a free Slack channel for WordPress Switzerland in 2016. Slack is a chat room in which members exchange knowledge, share links, and get to know other developers across Switzerland.

You can sign up for free using your @chat.wordpress.org email address, or Tweet us @wp_switzerland for an invitation.